Angular and NgRx - Building Real Project From Scratch
Getting started
What will we implement?
Bootstrapping project
Why NgRx?
Language server
Setting up local API
Project structure
Setting strict configuration
Register module
Register layout
Installing NgRx
Installing Redux Devtools
Creating auth interfaces
Adding auth reducer
Creating selectors
Register service
Register effect
Updating auth reducers
Backend error messages
Persistence service
Login store
Login component
Fetching current user
Auth interceptor
Planning the feed
Creating feed module
Preparing feed store
Getting feed data
Helper components
Creating pagination
Creating pagination #2
Refetching feed
Implementing tag list
Implementing popular tags
Adding feed toggler
Filling my feed
Creating other feeds
Article pages
Creating article page
Rendering article page
Deleting article
Create article
Creating article form
Creating article store
Update article
Settings page
Settings page. View part
Add to favorites
Creating store for favorites
Creating user profile
Rendering user profile
Using Angular inject
Angular signals
Next steps
Why NgRx?