Angular Testing: Unit Testing Angular and E2E Testing
Preparing tools
Why do we need testing?
I prepared source code for you
Setting up Node and creating Angular project
Unit Testing
What is unit testing?
Setting up Jest
Testing utilities and helpers
Basic testing Angular service
Mock Angular dependencies and Spy Angular dependencies
Testing RxJS in Angular
Testing HTTP in Angular
Testing HTTP request and response in Angular
Testting HTTP errors in Angular
Testing Angular service
Testing Angular components
Testing simple Angular component
Testing inputs and outputs in Angular components
Mock dependencies in Angular
Testing real Angular components: footer
Testing real Angular components: header
Testing real Angular components: main
Testing real Angular components: todo
Angular async testing: fakeAsync and waitForAsync
Testing Angular guards
Testing NgRx
Testing NgRx reducers
Testing NgRX components
Angular E2E testing
What is E2E testing?
E2E Testing in Angular on real project
Setting up Jest