NestJS - Building an API for Real Project From Scratch
Preparing tools
What technologies we will use?
What we will implement?
Generating a project
Tags module
Creating tag module and controller
Creating tag service
Configuring absolute path
Installing Postgres
Configuring database
Creating tag entity
Working with tags repository
Authentication module
Creating migrations
Preparing register request
What is DTO?
Creating user entity
Generating jwt token
Validation pipes
Login request
Auth middleware
User decorator
Auth guard
Updating current user
Article module
Creating article module
Creating article method
Polishing create article
Get article by slug
Deleting the article
Updating an article
Creating feed
Liking articles
Disliking articles
Profile module
Seeding the database
Getting a profile
Following users
Unfollowing users
Current user feed
Last improvements
Backend validation
Frontend testing
What's next?
What we will implement?