TypeScript Interview Questions - Coding Interview 2024
Setting up Typescript
Javascript vs Typescript
Does Typescript improve our code out of the box?
Pdf file
I prepared source code for you
Core Typescript
How to define basic types inside Typescript?
What is the difference between explicit vs implicit types?
Type a function getFullName correctly
What is interface in Typescript?
What is type in Typescript?
What is the difference between an interface and a type?
What is union in Typescript?
How to narrow the union in Typescript?
What is void in Typescript?
What is never in Typescript?
What is any in Typescript?
What is unknown in Typescript?
How to work with DOM in Typescript?
How to work with classes in Typescript?
What is an enum in Typescript?
What are generics in Typescript?
What is a tuple in Typescript?
What is optional property in Typescript?
How to cover dynamic keys in the object?
What is index signature in Typescript?
What is a record type in Typescript?
What is omit and pick in Typescript?
What is readonly in Typescript?
What is partial in Typescript?
What is required in Typescript?
How to use Typescript together with React?
What is type inference in Typescript?
What is literal type in Typescript?
What is tsconfig.json file?
What are the core components of Typescript?
How to transpile Typescript to Javascript?
What is d.ts file in Typescript?
What is map file in Typescript?
Advanced Typescript
Introduction for advanced section
What is function overloading in Typescript?
What is extends in Typescript?
What is infer in Typescript?
Do it yourself - readonly
Do it yourself - first
Do it yourself - tuple length
Do it yourself - if
Do it yourself - concat
Setting up Typescript