Angular Routing Essentials: All You Need to Know in One Post

This is the only post about Angular Routing that you need in order to fully master it. I will cover all the essential concepts of Angular routing, starting with the basics like defining routes, links, and outlets, and finishing with more advanced topics like data resolvers and route protection.

Topics that are covered:

Why do we need routing?

An Angular application is a tree of components that are rendered from top to bottom, starting with the AppComponent. There are no exceptions.

components tree

But most applications also need to render dynamic content on different pages. When we navigate to /dashboard, we should see the dashboard of our application, and by accessing /posts, it should render a list of posts.

It is not possible to achieve this with just a tree of components.

Instead, we use a router to specify which component should be rendered on which page. You can think of it as a child component of AppComponent that switches based on the URL being accessed.

components tree

It allows us to define which components we want to render for each route. Let's look at how to do that.

Defining routes

To achieve that, we must register our components as routes. If you generated a new Angular application and selected that you need routing, your app.routes.ts file will look like this.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
import { Routes } from '@angular/router';

export const routes: Routes = []

The routes is an array where we define our routes. But the question is, where do we use this configuration? There’s no magic; it must be used somewhere.

// src/app/app.config.ts
import { routes } from './app.routes';
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
    provideZoneChangeDetection({ eventCoalescing: true }),

Here we have our app configuration, where we import and use our routes. We pass them to provideRouter to register a router in our application.

To define a route, we must add an object to our array of routes.

import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard/dashboard.component';

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'dashboard',
    component: DashboardComponent,

This object contains a path field, which can be any string (in our case, "dashboard"). It must be a unique string and not a URL, and it should not start with a slash. We also pass a component field to our object. DashboardComponent is the component that we want to render for this path.

// app/dashboard/dashboard.component.ts
  selector: 'app-dashboard',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [],
  templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
  styleUrl: './dashboard.component.css',
export class DashboardComponent {}

This is just a standalone component.

Now, inside the browser, we can type /dashboard and we won't get an error. Yes, we only see an empty layout for now, but that's fine.


If we try to type a URL that doesn't exist, we will get an error.

cannot match any error

This confirms that our /dashboard URL was successfully registered in the Angular application.

Router outlet

But we don't see any content — just the word "layout." Where is this coming from? It's the markup in AppComponent.

<div class="container">
  <div class="headline">Layout</div>

  <div class="links"></div>

  <div class="main">

In the Angular world, AppComponent is essentially the layout. This is the only component being rendered on the screen right now. However, we don’t see the content of our DashboardComponent. For every route, the content should be different, and for /dashboard, it should be the DashboardComponent.

To do that, we must use a feature called an outlet.


Inside the AppComponent, we rendered a router-outlet component, which comes from Angular Router. However, we get an error stating that router-outlet is not a known element. This is correct because we haven't imported it as a dependency in our AppComponent.

import { RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router';
  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [RouterOutlet],
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrl: './app.component.css',

Now, this component is properly registered in our AppComponent.

Dashboard component

When we reload the page, the DashboardComponent is properly rendered inside our layout.

We use the router-outlet tag to render dynamic content when we change routes.

Let's do exactly the same for several other components.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
import { ProductsComponent } from './products/products.component';
import { SettingsComponent } from './settings/settings.component';

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'products',
    component: ProductsComponent
    path: 'settings',
    component: SettingsComponent,

settings page

Now we can navigate to /settings, and the SettingsComponent is rendered there.

But what about links to all these pages? Here’s how we do that.

 <div class="links">
  <a routerLink="/dashboard">dashboard</a>
  <a routerLink="/products">products</a>
  <a routerLink="/settings">settings</a>

Instead of using <a href> like we do in regular HTML, we use routerLink instead of href because <a> here is a special component of Angular Router. However, this code won't work by itself.

import { ..., RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
  imports: [..., RouterLink]

We must inject the RouterLink into our AppComponent. Only then will our links work properly.


Now all these links are working, and we can navigate between pages without reloading, with the content changing accordingly.

Routes order

Here is an extremely important point for you: If you don't remember it, you will encounter bugs later.

The order of routes is extremely important.

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'dashboard',
    component: DashboardComponent
    path: 'dashboard',
    component: ProductsComponent

Angular checks routes one by one, starting from the first one. If the path is /dashboard, it picks the first route that matches. It doesn't matter if you have other routes that could also fit /dashboard. While it's true that with simple strings you usually don't encounter collisions, routes can be defined in various ways and can match different patterns. Therefore, URL collisions are not uncommon.

Dynamic params

We learned how to render routes, but what about dynamic parameters? What are dynamic parameters? They are values that can vary within your URL.


In this URL, the part after the slash is a dynamic parameter that can change. We typically use dynamic parameters for URLs where we don’t have a static string. Examples of dynamic URLs include a page ID like /pages/5 or a slug like /products/a-dish-washer.

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'pages/:pageId',
    component: PageComponent

To define a dynamic parameter, we use a similar construction with path and component. The only difference is that we include a :pageId, which is our dynamic parameter. It can be any string you want, but it must start with a colon.

dynamic parameter

Accessing params

But now you probably want to know how we can access these parameters inside our components. It doesn't make sense to render the same content for different parameters. Typically, we want to render one article with ID 1 and another article with ID 2.

There are different ways to access parameters inside components but I want to show you the newest and the best because it is extremely simple and declarative. And we will use signals for that.

There are different ways to access parameters inside components, but I want to show you the newest and best method because it is extremely simple and declarative. We will use signals for that.

// src/app/page/page.component.ts
import { Component, input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-pages',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [],
  templateUrl: './page.component.html',
  styleUrl: './page.component.css',
export class PageComponent {
  pageId = input.required<string>();

Inside our PageComponent, I defined a pageId input. Just to remind you, this is the dynamic parameter specified with a colon in our routes array. So, our input MUST have the same name as the dynamic parameter to be properly bound. If you don’t know what this construction input.required is, it’s an Angular signal, and pageId in this case is an InputSignal. But most importantly, this pageId value will come automatically via Angular Router without any additional code from our side.

<!-- src/app/page/page.component.ts -->
<h2>Page - {{pageId()}}</h2>

We can switch to the HTML and render our signal.

Signal input error

But in the browser, we see that our component was not rendered, and we get an error: Input is required but no value is available yet. This means that we didn't provide an input to the component. While the input is indeed provided automatically by the router, it is not done by default.

// src/app/app.config.ts
import { provideRouter, withComponentInputBinding } from '@angular/router';
export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
    provideRouter(routes, withComponentInputBinding()),

We need to enable this feature by adding withComponentInputBinding to the configuration. This additional feature forces Angular Router to provide all the fields inside our component.

Page id parameter

Now it is working; we get Page - 2, and we implemented it with just a single line of code. Previously, we needed to write much more code in Angular, but as you can see, it has been significantly improved with signals.

Query params

In exactly the same way that we read parameters from the URL, we can also read query parameters.

// src/app/page/page.component.ts
export class PageComponent {
  limit = input.required<string>();

Here, we added a limit as a parameter to our PageComponent, but we didn’t specify that limit is a query parameter. In fact, we didn’t specify that pageId is a parameter either. Angular Router will simply take whatever it has inside the data.

<!-- src/app/page/page.component.ts -->
<h2>Page - {{pageId() - {{limit()}}}}</h2>

Let’s render it in our HTML now.

Query params

After we provided a limit as a query parameter, it was successfully rendered on our page. This means Angular Router reads the query parameter and provides it as an input to our component. In this way, you can read various router data through Angular signals.


Another important feature of Angular Router is the ability to implement redirect logic.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: '',
    redirectTo: 'dashboard',
    pathMatch: 'full',

Here, we created a new route, but we didn’t provide a path and a component. Instead, we used an empty string as the path, which represents our home route, a redirectTo property that defines where we want to redirect the user, and a pathMatch, which ensures that the path must be fully matched. This allows us to specify how to redirect one URL to another. In this case, we want to redirect from the home URL directly to the dashboard URL.

Dashboard component

Now, when we navigate to the home page, we are directly redirected to /dashboard.

Not found route

We should also remember to handle "not found" pages correctly. Right now, when we access a page that we haven't registered, we get an error: Cannot match any routes.

cannot match any error

To fix this problem, we need to register a route that will match any undefined route.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
import { NotFoundComponent } from './not-found/not-found.component';
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: '**',
    component: NotFoundComponent,

In this case, our path must be **, which means this component is rendered for all undefined routes. This is why it’s extremely important that this route is placed last. If you put it at the beginning, it will be used for every route, even those we have registered. This is a perfect example of why route order is important.

not found

Now, when we navigate to a non-existent route like /foo, our NotFoundComponent is rendered.

Redirect function

Sometimes you may encounter a complex use case for redirection in your application where a simple redirect isn't enough. In such cases, you can create a redirect as a function with custom logic inside.

Let’s imagine that previously we had URLs like /old-pages/1 in our application with a dynamic parameter. Now we've moved our routes to /pages/1, and we want to redirect from old pages to new pages, because there may still be old URLs across the internet that need to work.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'old-pages/:pageId',
    redirectTo: (route) => {
      return `/pages/${route.params['pageId']}`;

For this, we can define redirectTo not as a string but as a function. The function receives route as an argument, so we can access dynamic parameters or the URL if needed. In this case, we read pageId from the route parameters and return a new URL to which the user will be redirected.

dynamic parameter

When we access /old-pages/1, Angular redirects us to /pages/1.

Nested routes

We learned how to create routes, but what about nested routes? Sometimes we want to nest our routes to access different parts of our application. Let’s create a nested route inside /settings.

// src/app/app.routes.ts
import { SettingsProfileComponent } from './settings/profile/profile.component';
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'settings',
    component: SettingsComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'profile',
        component: SettingsProfileComponent,

To do that, we add a children property to our settings route. The children property is an array containing different routes. It’s important to remember that the child route is not settings/profile; it is just profile. Angular will correctly interpret this declaration and create the route /settings/profile automatically.

settings no outlet

In the browser, we can access the /settings/profile route, but only the content of the settings page is visible. We don’t see our SettingsProfileComponent. To render it, we must use the <router-outlet> component, just like we did before.

<!-- src/app/settings/settings.component.html -->

<div class="main">
  <router-outlet />

We added <router-outlet> here, but we should also import it into our component.

// src/app/settings/settings.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-settings',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [RouterOutlet],
  templateUrl: './settings.component.html',
  styleUrl: './settings.component.css',
export class SettingsComponent {}


Now it renders not only the settings page but also the profile component inside. It’s also important to remember that we can still access the /settings URL separately if needed.

Active routes

Let’s add some links to our markup to check if there is a problem.

<!-- src/app/app/app.component.html -->
<div class="links">
  <a routerLink="/dashboard">dashboard</a>
  <a routerLink="/products">products</a>
  <a routerLink="/settings">settings</a>
  <a routerLink="/settings/profile">profile</a>
  <a routerLink="/pages/1">pages/1</a>

not highlighted

None of the links are highlighted on the screen as active. Typically, we want to highlight the active link to indicate which page we are on. How can we do that?

<!-- src/app/app/app.component.html -->
<div class="links">
  <a routerLink="/dashboard" routerLinkActive="active">dashboard</a>
  <a routerLink="/products" routerLinkActive="active">products</a>
  <a routerLink="/settings" routerLinkActive="active">settings</a>
  <a routerLink="/settings/profile" routerLinkActive="active">profile</a>
  <a routerLink="/pages/1" routerLinkActive="active">pages/1</a>

We added a routerLinkActive attribute which will add an active class when we are on this link. But in order for it to work we must inject a dependency to our component.

We added a routerLinkActive attribute, which will add an active class when the link is active. However, for it to work, we must import a dependency into our component.

import { RouterLink, RouterLinkActive, RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router';

  imports: [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive]

active link

Now, our active link is highlighted. We are on /settings, and it is red.

Exact route match

But there’s a problem: When we navigate to /settings/profile, both links are highlighted.

both highlighted

Why does this happen? By default, Angular doesn’t do a full match for the URL. Both /settings and /settings/profile are partially matched with the route, so Angular highlights them both.

<!-- src/app/app/app.component.html -->
<div class="links">
  <a routerLink="/dashboard" routerLinkActive="active">dashboard</a>
  <a routerLink="/products" routerLinkActive="active">products</a>
    [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{exact: true}"
  <a routerLink="/settings/profile" routerLinkActive="active">profile</a>
  <a routerLink="/pages/1" routerLinkActive="active">pages/1</a>

This is not ideal for us, so we must provide routerLinkActiveOptions with exact: true. This will perform a full match for the URL and avoid the problem of highlighting multiple links.

not highlighted

Now, when we are on the profile page, the settings link is not highlighted.

Programmatic navigation

One more important feature is programmatic navigation. This is when you have an event and want to trigger a router change. How can we do that?

<!-- src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.html -->

  <button class="goToProductsBtn" (click)="goToProductsPage()">
    Go to products

Inside DashboardComponent, I have a button where I want to add a click event called goToProductsPage. When the user clicks on the button, we want to redirect them to the /products page.

// src/app/dashboard/dashboard.component.ts
export class DashboardComponent {
  router = inject(Router);
  goToProductsPage(): void {

To perform navigation, we need to inject the Router into our component. Inside goToProductsPage, we can call navigateByUrl, which will change the page. It’s important to remember that we pass a full URL starting with a slash, not just a path like in the routes.


We clicked on our button on the /dashboard page and were redirected to the /products page.

However, navigateByUrl is not the best option when you want to concatenate strings with variables.

// This will generate /categories/1/products/2 URL
this.router.navigate(['categories', categoryId, 'products', productId]);

In this case, using navigate is easier, as Angular will concatenate our parameters for us.

Lazy loading

Another important functionality is lazy loading of routes. Lazy loading allows us to load a component only when we access that route, instead of bundling all components into a single file.

export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'products',
    loadComponent: () =>
      import('./products/products.component').then((c) => c.ProductsComponent),

For the /products route, we used loadComponent with an import inside the component property. This is how we implement lazy loading, in contrast to normal bundling.


When we navigate from /dashboard to /products, we can see in the Network tab that a chunk of JavaScript was loaded. This chunk contains our ProductsComponent, indicating that it was loaded only after we accessed this page. It is loaded separately and is not included in the main bundle.

Lazy loading is extremely important if you want to make your bundle smaller and your application faster.

Route guard

Now we need to understand how to restrict access to some pages in Angular. To do this, we use guards. What is a guard? It's a special function that checks your access before you can access the route. Here’s how it looks:

// src/app/auth.guard.ts
import { inject } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { filter, map } from 'rxjs';
import { CurrentUserService } from './currentUser.service';

export const authGuard = () => {
  const currentUserService = inject(CurrentUserService);
  const router = inject(Router);

  return currentUserService.currentUser$.pipe(
    filter((currentUser) => currentUser !== undefined),
    map((currentUser) => {
      if (!currentUser) {
        return false;
      return true;

It is just a function which returns an Observable or boolean. We inject inside CurrentUserService and check the data of current user. If we have correct data inside then return true, which allows access to this page. In other case we redirect a user to the homepage.

import { authGuard } from './auth.guard';
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'settings',
    component: SettingsComponent,
    children: [
        path: 'profile',
        component: SettingsProfileComponent,
    canActivate: [authGuard],

To use this guard, we must provide it in the canActivate field of a route. In our case, it’s the settings route. Now, when we are not logged in, we cannot access this page.

Route resolver

The last feature you need to know about Angular Router is a resolver. What is a resolver? It can resolve some data or make an API call before you access a route. Here’s how it looks:

// src/app/data.resolver.ts
import { ResolveFn } from '@angular/router';
import { of } from 'rxjs';

export const pageResolver: ResolveFn<Object> = (route, state) => {
  const pageId = route.paramMap.get('pageId');
  return of({
    name: 'Foo',

It is just a function that returns some data. Typically, you will return an Observable if you want to make an API call. In this case, we read a parameter from the URL and return an object.

import { pageResolver } from './data.resolver';
export const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'pages/:pageId',
    component: PageComponent,
    resolve: {
      page: pageResolver,

Now, inside our routes, we can add a resolve property to our page route and specify that the result of pageResolver must be available in the page property.

// src/app/page/page.component.ts
export class PageComponent {
  pageId = input.required<string>();
  limit = input.required<string>();
  page = input.required<{ pageId: string; name: string }>();

In the same way we did with pageId and limit, we get the page data through the resolver, which we can then use in the component.

<h2>Page - {{ pageId() }} - {{ limit() }} - {{ page().name }}</h2>


We successfully rendered the name property from our resolver on the screen.

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Oleksandr Kocherhin
Oleksandr Kocherhin is a full-stack developer with a passion for learning and sharing knowledge on Monsterlessons Academy and on his YouTube channel. With around 15 years of programming experience and nearly 9 years of teaching, he has a deep understanding of both disciplines. He believes in learning by doing, a philosophy that is reflected in every course he teaches. He loves exploring new web and mobile technologies, and his courses are designed to give students an edge in the fast-moving tech industry.